6755 Millville Avenue, Mays Landing, NJ 08330


Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry's vision is to help the young people of our church and community build a strong foundation of faith by creating safe spaces and relevant programming that encourages them and gives them room to grow, ask questions, and have fun. It is our hope that after passing through our Youth Ministry, our young people feel inspired to deepen their relationship with Christ and empowered to help others do the same.

Our Youth Ministry focus areas are:

Spiritual Growth: Our students will have a strong foundation of faith that allows them to stand confidently in what they believe, and inspires them to invite others to do the same.

Community Service: Our young people recognize the importance of serving others and demonstrate that through engaging in various types of community service.

Academic & Life Guidance: By positioning ourselves as trustworthy confidants and mentors, we support the academic growth and emotional & social health of our students. We focus on setting and achieving academic and career goals, providing relevant programming, and displaying radical love.

(Re)Engaging Our Current & Lapsed Youth: We invest time and resources engaging students we see often, and reaching out to students who we haven’t seen in awhile.

Youth Night

Join our students as we meet bi-weekly for food, games and Bible study! Youth Nights will resume in September 2024.

Student Sunday School

Join us every 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10AM for student Sunday School. We have classes for students ages 5 – 18!
To learn more about our Youth Ministry, reach out to Min. Jocelyn Moore at nmcbc3@gmail.com

Women's Ministry

The New Mount Calvary Patricia E. Moore Women’s Ministry was named in memory of our former First Lady for her relentless dedication and love for the women of New Mount Calvary. Our Women’s Ministry seeks to help empower women to reach a closer relationship with God. We strive to build, grow, and nurture a sisterhood that is grounded on the Word of God and strengthened by love for one another. Our goal is to develop a bond between all women, young and old, to hold one another up, to encourage each other, to provide assistance and care when needed, to support each other and mostly to continuously hold one another in prayer.
Sis. Shita Jackson – Secretary,  Rev. Jullia Moore – Chairlady,  Min. Dr. Robin L. Moore – Co-Chairlady,  Sis. Deborah Watkins - Treasurer
Some of our activities include or Annual Women’s Conference, fellowship nights, book club readings and community outreach. Our prayer is to become spiritually mature women, confident in our gifts and courageous in our words, so we can reach out in love to impact our church and community for Christ.

Christian Education

The Christian Education Ministry includes Sunday School, Bible Study and Youth Christian Living Classes. These programs are designed to educate and train our members in biblical studies, spiritual growth, life applications, church training, Christian Outreach and career and college readiness.

The purpose of the Christian Life Training Sessions is to prepare our youth, pre-teens and teenagers in the areas of public speaking, social hospitality, and high school / college readiness. These sessions are designed to build self-confidence in speaking publicly, self-expression and building friendly relationships through acts of kindness and hospitality. These sessions are also designed to prepare middle school and high school students for the social aspects of secondary education, building high schools resumes, selecting good essay topics for college admissions, improving study skills for Pre-SAT/SAT and completing college and employment applications.

Consistency and Commitment to studying God’s Word are very important and necessary for Christians successful life. Our goal is to Educate, Enlighten, & Expand the minds of our youth, young adults, and adults through the teachings of biblical facts, God’s law and areas of Christian Living.

II Timothy 2:15 states, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Therefore, we must learn and study God’s Word and live our lives accordingly."

Our Offerings

  • Sunday School (Youth, Young Adult, Adult Classes)
  • Bible Study (Youth, Young Adult, Adult Classes)
  • Vacation Bible School (For the Entire Family)

Layman's Ministry

Info coming soon
Sunday School (Youth, Young Adult, Adult Classes)
• Bible Study (Youth, Young Adult, Adult Classes)
• Vacation Bible School (For the Entire Family)
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